吉隆坡檀香爱心福利中心缘起于1993年。当时唯悟法师到吉隆坡巡回弘法,一批为数九人的佛友受到师父 “少有所学,壮有所用,老有所依,终有所归”的理念感召而成立了福利组,为雪隆一带的不幸人士服务,协助他们重新得到生命的力量。
The Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre was founded in year 1993 under the leadership of Ven.Wei Wu. We serve the poor and needy in Klang Valley with the believe of “The young to learn, The strong and healthy to serve, The aged and sick to be cared for, The departed to find spiritual destination”. In year 1997, we expanded our services with Mitraline Counseling Hotline. Two years later, Mitra Welfare Centre was set up combining the welfare and counseling unit to better serve the society.
In November 2002, Wan Ching Yuen PJ was set up to serve the elderly. It provides quality care and a place for them to live a happy and meaningful golden years. In addition, the old folks will have an opportunity to learn and practice Buddhism at the centre.
2004年,爱心线开始面谈服务,让大众多一个求助的管道。同时,更多的义工加入此服务社会的行列,一起发光发热。同年5月,檀香乐龄之家设立于加影Country Height,提供长期及短期住宿于活跃,能独立生活的年轻退休人士。我们鼓励住户共修、分享及培养新的兴趣及嗜好以过一个快乐及有意义的退休生活。
In year 2004, Mitraline counseling unit started its face to face counseling service. In May 2004, Than Hsiang Retirement Home, Kajang was set up to provide long and short term stay for the “young” and active retirees. We encourage the residents to cultivate life and religious interest to enjoy a happy retired life.
In year 2006, Mitra Welfare Centre shifted its centre to the same building with Wan Ching Yuen. Year 2007, it started the Child Play Therapy service. The number of clients also increased with bigger working space.
In year 2009 marked the 7th anniversary of Wan Ching Yuen PJ, also 10th anniversary of Mitra Welfare Centre. As a non-profit organization, we have come a long way with many of your supports and donations. The <> Walkathon is aimed to raise fund for Wan Ching Yuen and Mitra Welfare Centre to provide better services for the needy and to further enhance the compassion of the Buddha. We need you to help us fulfilling this aspiration!
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